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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Padma Sastry passed away

Dear all,
Padma Sastry, beloved member of Yoga Bharati, left us for her heavenly abode today at 1:00am EST ( 10:30 am> IST). We pray for her peace and offer our condolence to the family. Below you may also find the message of Raghuramji.

My dear Saastryji,
After putting such a brave posture Dear Padma Sastry has decided to leave her unforgettable memories to us this way.
Her life is a wonderful example of dedication and virtues by choice andwith bliss all the time in her soul and prana. The meaning of spiritual journey, which were in my talks on yoga if one wants to see in living; Padma was an obvious example.
A dedicated life of service is the Karma yoga she personified.An unwavering discipline in doing pranayama and yoga is her nature called Rajayoga.
What ever is the philosophical thoughts she has to do continuous Sravanaand manana and bring into her life is her commitment for Jnanayogaand Finally she is a personification of love supreme by which she hasearned hearts of every one who ever came across her once in life time, For Yogabharati her loss is unbearable. and Sastryji, Personally we are with you and we share your grief at this time and pray from heart forher soul in other worlds. Pranams to both of you for the dedication.let us all in yogabharati have coming Sunday as prayerday for Dear Padma's soul to be in peace.

Love supreme

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good day

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