I have often heard people quote that your bad deeds in the current life will make you manifest a body of a different species. Is there any basis to this or a mere corruption of ideas?
the body what we get is the body what we contemplate. our mind created the body that suits the mind or suits the manifestation of the force we create by the thought process called sankalpa. Normally speaking once we are human being the impressions of human being on our mind is so strong that any other vasana or the impressions on our mind by the world out side is not so strong as to change the very instrument called human body though which we want to work our may to these vasanas. therefore it is not generally possible to come with different form in the next life. But exceptions are possible because some one has contemplated so strong on some thing else that it has affected the next birth. The famous example is that Jada Bharata though highly sattvic in his final days was living with a deer which has become very dear to him and therefore was so much engrossed in it that he was born as deer in his next life. It is purely how intensely you have contemplated and became one with that determines.
Is it necessary to bring in the concept of vasana to explain the differences in people or their achievements as in the case of Tagore, for example in this article? Why can't we say that Tagore was not interested in English education but was fascinated by Indian culture. Just like someone is turned off by Indian culture but fascinated by USA culture? I am ok with influence of environment, nurture etc. Is it really self effort or some need in a person trying to express itself whether in English culture or Indian culture? We could explain on the basis of Gunas and Swabhava/Swadharma as in Gita.
*our actions has the influence of three ingredients. one is the vasana that we carry, the other is the environment and the third is education. the vasana was so strong that he is drawn to the music and art and poetry of Indian life style that the other two did not have lasting or no impact on him. whereas i think other people do not have such a great vasana from previous life that they can be easily drawn by the influence of the environment and upbringing. Especially Tagores parents wanted him to be influenced by the British ways that they sent him to England for his education. But that did not only not change him but he is convinced about the great wealth of Indian thinking. Gunas and Swabhava is more much more deeper aspects of individual like your vasana may be for art and music. but it manifests according to your guna. some people can bing out their talents in rajasic way or aggressively. So in our personality deep inside is the guna over that is samskara and then the particular form like art music or painting etc. some thimes scriptures refer all these together as samskara *
Where is the 'free choice' in the selection of family or environment after death? A money minded person wants to be born in a rich family. A knowledge seeking person in a suitable environment so on. Does the person selects his family just before death (as some scriptures say that the dying person's next life briefly flashes in his mind and once he makes that choice he will give up the present body etc.) or it happens due to UDANA carrying the mental impressions? In that case UDANA (which is normally considered as JADA) has to be Universal consciousness itself to guide the subtle body or we have to assume some other consciousness guiding vasanas.
*Udana is the expression of the fundamental prana which in turn is atman or self or simply saying I! That is choice of this I. This is supposed to be free but this I uses the vasanas as a reason for choosing. since one has the free choice there may be several wombs ready to receive him this I chooses one which suits his requirements. All the time even after the birth the I has choice I can change its tendencies but he uses the influence of environment or education. That is the reason this life is called as Life of Karma where one can bring about change in understanding of life.*Question:
If a person comes with certain vasanas to play them out where do the residue vasanas stay? Who tracks the vasanas associated with current life with Vasanas that are yet to play out which we have forgotten. Are they in Universal memory. What is the link between current memory with Universal memory.
*vasanas are there with one self. some find expression and some not because the person did not find an opportunity to manifest. like some people you see appear not have any greed or miserliness for all these years when they do not have much riches. but once they have riches suddenly these qualities surface as if they were never present earlier. This is where the philosophy says they are not newly found but they only found their opportunity to surface into manifestation like after rains suddenly the seeds hidden in the ground sprout!!*
*vasanas are there with one self. some find expression and some not because the person did not find an opportunity to manifest. like some people you see appear not have any greed or miserliness for all these years when they do not have much riches. but once they have riches suddenly these qualities surface as if they were never present earlier. This is where the philosophy says they are not newly found but they only found their opportunity to surface into manifestation like after rains suddenly the seeds hidden in the ground sprout!!*
It seems that rebirth theory raises lot of interesting questions and to answer them we have to make new assumptions which we have to take them on faith either as experience from saints or scriptures.
Alternatively, we could take help from 2nd law of thermo dynamics saying that nothing gets created or destroyed but only changes it forms. But, the total energy is constant. That way way the physical body goes back to 5 elements after death. Mind gets transformed into new mind after death so on.
*that is true that energy can never be created and nor can be destroyed but the freewill of an individual found in this life is the one which can change it. Udana or samskara are the minor details explaining about the possible process. If we dont have the freewill then it reduces to only matter and nothing else! That is teh view of charvakas also saying there is nothing other than matter and follow the laws of matter.*
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