Wednesday, December 30, 2009
2010 New Year Message
Annapūrṇāṣṭakam by Adi Shankaracharya
Same video with Turkish translation
The music played is by Thiagarajan from the album Holy Chants of Shiva and Shakti, used according to fair play.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Question and Answer Sessions / 18th international yoga conference
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Surya Namaskara Yajna of Yoga Bharati Movement (January 1-January 22, 2010)
We welcome you all to participate in the SNY 2010! It is very easy to participate in this marathon. Do a simple, quick and effective Surya Namaskar as many rounds as possible, daily and compete with the other participants as in a marathon. You can do it alone or as a group, at home or office or any of the yoga classes organized by Yoga Bharati, and self-report your count to us.
The event starts on New Year Day - Jan 1, 2010 (Friday) and completes on January 22, 2010 (Friday)
Upon completion of this 3 week event, results will be announced and participants with the highest Surya Namaskara count are recognized.
Yoga Bharati provides the needed information and training to start the practice free of cost.
E-mail us for registration or other enquiries
Click on to learn Frequently Asked Questions
Click on to register yourself to the cause
For more information and follow up visit Yoga Bharati web page
Monday, December 14, 2009
SMET : Self Management of Excessive Tension
The theory of Stress Management of Excessive Tension (SMET) is given with a full presentation in the below video by Dr. HR Nagendra, Vice-Chancellor of Swami Vivekananda Yoga University
Here you may see the whole Stress Management of Excessive Tension (SMET) practical session that is guided with the naration of Sri NV Raghuramji.
SMET (Stress Management of Excessive Tension) program is developed by Swami Vivekananda Yoga University Above you may find the full version of SMET program. The program is protected by Copyright laws and is shared strictly for personal & non-profit use. For any commercial use of this program, please contact for details.
Monday, December 07, 2009
Basics of Yoga Therapy
Sri NV Raghuramji explains how yoga therapy works on cronic diseases, his advices to the patients, Stop diabetes movement and yoga therapy centers all around the world.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Happy Gita Jayanthi !
Below is the message of Sri NV Raghuram for the significance of this special day.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Asparsha Yoga - Part 1
Sage Patanjali in his treatise on yoga called yoga sutras gives us the technique how to reach the state of yoga with the help of ‘Astanga yoga’ which is very popular in the scholars’ circle. Adi Shankarachaya’s teacher’s teacher Gaudapada while writing the commentary on Mandukya Upanishad has given a method called “Asparsha yoga”, which is based on the principle investigation taken up by Mandukya Upanishad.
Mandukya Upanishad has a great appeal for the scientists because of two essential features. One is the simplicity and brevity of the subject content. No unnecessary information is given. And the second feature is the similarity between scientific investigation and inner investigation. Objects of the world may be many and random but in order to understand the matter science divides various elements into categories such as solids liquids and gases each category having common properties. Similarly our experiences may be many and appear very random. Mandukya Upanishad very successfully categorized our experiences into three categories and from there derives how this can lead us into the experience of the atman.
Atman is not a theory but we need to experience the state of atman. How can we have this experience? Is it some thing that has to come about or is it already there. If it is some thing which has to come then does it also not go away? If it is also having the quality of coming and going then why is it so important? Is it not like other experiences? Thus our enquiry has all these doubts.
Let us therefore take it slowly step by step to see how we can find out answer to all these questions.
All our experiences can be divided into three categories. First of them is the wakeful state experiences. It is the experiences in the gross world and the experiences are gross. There are nineteen (opening) mouths through which we have nourishment in this wakeful experience. There are few points we need to recognize here. First one is that nineteen senses are five perception sensory organs, five locomotion organs, five pranas, and four internal modifications of the mind namely mind, intellect, mind stuff and the ego. What ever interactions we have with these nineteen openings, they all belong to gross world. There can not be any experience which belongs to these senses and in the nature of subtle world. If I say that I am seeing with my eyes, it only means I am seeing in the gross world.
All these experiences are for gross nourishment. It is our decision to see what we interact is for our nourishment. If our interaction in this world is not providing us nourishment we can not blame any one but ourselves, because it is for us to accept things which are for our nourishment. We also follow this unconsciously. When we take banana we peel the skin away and take the fruit in it. The skin is not nourishing but the fruit is nourishing. Same way when we buy a toffee we take away the paper and eat the toffee. Even a child knows that, what is nourishing need to be taken and what is not nourishing we should just simply discord. Instinctively child throws away the food if child is full because eating food after being full is not nourishing. These cases are simple, but why not we think in the same way in all the cases. The food we eat should have the effect of nourishing if not we need not go for that. We find facts of nourishment in the form of labels on various food items these days and people select food accordingly. Organic foods are nourishing and foods which are chemically processed are not nourishing. Therefore, these days, people select organically grown foods and avoid foods which are chemically grown. An important fact we need to know in this regard. Nourishment factor has one more consideration. The food belongs to hunger. Food has to be given to hunger. If you are not hungry and give food that food is like poison and will be no-nourishing. We need to look at it more carefully. Are we giving food to the hunger within us? Are we eating food because we are hungry or are we eating food because of some other reasons? Many times we may be eating not because we are hungry but because we find the food interesting or we have nothing else to do so let us eat! Such food is not nourishing. When we take food it is also necessary that we have pleasant mood. Otherwise the food will not be nourishing. It is also not just the food items but the ingredients which go into food in what combination they are taken are also important. Instead of considering all thee things lot of orthodox people pay their attention seriously on who touches and what touches the food.
We can accept to some extent that we follow in food about what is nourishing very carefully. But the Upanishad says that the fact of nourishment does not belong only to the food that we take thorough the mouth but also to all other organs, because we nourish in this gross world through all our nineteen senses. What we hear through our ears has to be nourishing and what we see should be nourishing. We need to introspect ourselves about this. We read daily news paper or we read so many junk novels. Did we any time think whether what we read is nourishing or not. We see movies but have we thought if that movie is nourishing for us or not. Similarly we are engaged in gossip so often but have we thought of the nourishment we get out of it.
This awareness at once makes us a different person. You will recognize that a host of things in which we are engaged, become wasteful and non- nourishing. There is no reason for us to keep blindly taking it.
Another aspect is that, not only the external sensory organs, our internal organs are also for the sake of nourishing. The movement of motor organs is for the sake of nourishing. This concept is interesting. The animals and human beings are provided with the limbs which we need to utilize regularly on daily basis. If we fail to use our organs after few days or months we loose the ability if using the limbs. If we immobilize the limbs for few days the body part looses its functional ability. When we have a fracture or a dislocation we immobilize the limb for six weeks so that the bone rejoins. But due to immobilizing the part that hand or leg will not have any strength to perform simple duties. It takes some days of training before we can use that part of the body. Therefore it is necessary to continue to do the activities or exercise so that body will not become useless. In the ancient times people used to go to walk miles together in daily activities, sit down and stand up several hundred times in every day life and lift weights countless number of times every day. As we have become more and more sophisticated and technology developed we have appliances and gadgets to take care of all these activities and we don’t do with our body. We don’t walk any more because we need car even to go small distances. We don’t lift weights, which is taken care of by mechanical devises. Sitting down is nearly forgotten as we have couches and sofas which have also become a status symbol. Even a simple thing like hand writing is also forgotten by many because the computers have come. Since we don’t use these limbs and small joints we suffer from all sorts of ailments at body level. That is why Upanishad says that we need to do the activities with the motor organs so that we are nourishing. We need to do physical works such as walking, sitting and standing, lifting weights, all such activities for the sake of nourishing.
Not only the five pranas but the four internal modifications of mind stuff, namely mind, intellect, memory and ego are also for nourishing. What we think and what we memorize should also be for the sake of nourishing. We normally keep in mind only negative thoughts of any person and bad experience encountered and tend to forget good things. Even though it may be a single thing happened, we keep that in mind much more than several good things about him or her. Keep those things which are nourishing in your mind. We have to be careful to exercise ‘ego’ which is nourishing for us and if it is not nourishing we should have the freedom to discard it. People pursue their ego in all cases where it is non-nourishing. This is non spiritual according to the Upanishad.
- to be continued...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Pooja vs Prayer and worship
Pooja is one of those words, which is very widely used in the Indian culture. This is so because in Indian culture, every house is having temple in the house and they offer daily pooja. This house of pooja will normally have the idols of or pictures of several gods of their own choice and many houses also keep the photographs of the saints sadhus or swamiji’s who either lived in the recent past or who are also living even now. Therefore, pooja is a very common word in the household in India. I do not think pooja to be translated as ‘prayer’. It is very different as pooja does not emerge from praying per say. in English we may say it as worship but we need to understand pooja clearly. I do not know the full meaning and philosophy behind the English word called ‘WORSHIP’ but let me here give some of the details of pooja its philosophy, which may help them not only to appreciate the depth of the ideas about pooja but also to follow it with this understanding in the day-to-day life.
The pooja place in a house is very intimately and emotionally associated with the owner of the house, I observed several times that the owner started building the house and the engineer would have put the marks on the ground about foundation for various walls. The moment the marking for the pooja room is there on the ground, the owner does not step there with his foot wear on because going into pooja room with footwear is disrespect to god! One could see such a thing in the earlier days where the owner would have built house himself and not like the culture of apartment houses these days.
According to Sage Narada, pooja, or what we translate as worship, has two components.
Poojadishu Anuraga iti prasharyah II
[The anuraga in pooja and other things is Bhakti according to Parashara’s son Vyasa.]
The component called Anuraga is the element of Bhakti in the case of doing Pooja. This brings about a question what is the other component, which is there in our culture along with the Anuraga? That component is the Physical details of the practice of worship.
He did not specifically make mention of it because this is some thing which one can see very clearly out side. The problem is that many people take this alone as the Bhakti. Let us try to understand it in detail.
Like many other things in the nature, pooja also has two components. One is the outer component and the other is the inner component, like the body and the soul. What we normally see is the outer component, the visible component and the other the invisible component or the hidden component. The outer part the body is having meaning and purpose only when there is the inner component. The freedom the growth, and the joy and satisfaction, which we see in the body, they all belong to the soul and not to the body. Body alone does not have any of these things.
Similarly, the practice of pooja also has two components. The practice details, the gods and their details, method and the ingredients involved, are the outer structure and what Narada calls as anuraga, is the inner component. This anuraga is again very difficult to translate in English. Roughly this can be understood as the feeling intimacy with, the feeling the presence of god in your heart and not in head. Anuraga is richer and nobler than attachment. You are doing out of pure joy in giving or doing for others! Feeling is some thing you can see from out side. It is one’s own experience happening inside. It is intimacy with the god or with the other so that the other will not be there as other any longer.
Pooja is the real one when the feeling of intimacy leads us into pooja or the worship. At that time in just doing pooja, you are satisfied and you are not looking for any further happenings. If there is any other demand or other expectations and the satisfaction depends upon any further happenings such as some grace or some benefit f winning a lottery or exams etc then the pooja becomes secondary. Therefore, anuraga is the seed for the pooja and your feeling is the seed, as the plant is the expression of the seed planted. Anuraga comes from deep respect, love, wonder, closeness and intimacy all blended into one thing!
The technique of pooja involves saying some mantras in Sanskrit and in between offering various things. If you look at these mantras they give a very simple meaning like this.
To start with, you offer your prayers and welcome the god. Offer him water so that he can wash his feet and his hands before entering so that he is purified of all the dust from out side. The corresponding mantras are ‘Padau prakshalayami and Hastau prakshaayami’. Stapayami poojayami, make his to sit down Asanam sweekrutya requesting god to accept the seat. The moment god comes light comes in to the house.. Symbolically the moment he comes in the lights are lighted and you offer him fragrance by lighting the dhoop sticks. The mantra for that is dhoopa deepam agrapayami. Depending up on the god we are worshipping we select the items for pooja. When we do the pooja of lord Ganesha because he is with elephant head he loves to eat the grass and fresh leaves his appetite is vast so. We prepare several varieties of sweets and offer him grass and variety of leaves and sugar cane etc. While offering with each mantra, which is the praise of god, we offer one thing. Since he is a child he likes to be with children so that day all the children go round several houses to see Ganesha and in his presence which ever may be the house children do some simple yoga exercise, scientists found in USA recently that this exercise is good for improving memory and attention. When we offer food to the god especially whenever any item is felt to be having spicy taste then naturally, he requires water in between to feel cool inside. There is a mantra for that saying, madhyemadhye paneeyam samarpayami. In between water is offered. In the evening, we offer music and dance programs and in the night, there are special rituals suggesting god Ganesha is being put to bed and there are bed tie stories. There are lullabies for all gods in Indian philosophy and culture. In the morning, there are wakeup songs for the lord. These activities are so sweet that they do not pace god far above beyond clouds. Thus, pooja is a practice for a very intimate specialized guest for you and the family. All these steps create the necessary psychological posture and inner preparedness. There are also substitutes in case you miss some thing you do not have to feel guilty about it. Rice with yellow colour and some times even some camphor or other essence is added, can substitute any of the missing items. Like the mantra says offer nice dress to god and if not available offer handful of this rice known as akshata in place of the cloth or dress. Vasteram samarpayami. Offer cloths and if not available offer akshata. tadabhave ashatam samarpayami. The best available material such as curd, coconut water, honey, thick milk, and dry fruits etc are all material for offering because god likes them! Having used the substitute items at the end out of humility there are also mantras praying to the god, ‘oh, lord, please for give me if I had done any thing wrong knowingly or unknowingly since it is not out of intention of doing things wrong way but my own other limitations.
Since the pooja is the expression of the deep love and oneness with god, you are experiencing the day of pooja you are not to get angry or irritated towards anybody and to keep cheerful mood and freely exchange cheers with all. Thus, these pooja will make our mind positive and helps arise above the level of complaints. This has to be done with pure inner experience of divinity. Now the question comes how to develop this feeling of presence of divinity!
Our life gives us many experiences or opportunities to develop this deep respect and love. On many occasions things will happen to you unexpectedly which brings about great happiness to you! If only you think deeply you will realize that things would not have happened if you planned and worked for it. It is not by your effort that things happened that way. Many times even in spite of you things would have happened in a favourable way to you and this can only be possible due to some grace from some unknown quarters. If you think like that, you will be filled with unusual joy and at the same time filled with such great reverence that you feel the help you received is from god beyond! We can let this situation slip away by saying egoistically that we have achieved it and it is purely our effort!
Only when one gives up this claim on the doer-ship and deeply feels touched by god then pooja the feeling of prardhana comes up whose expression is pooja! This feeling inside is the mother of all the rituals and all the forms of god and all the mantras and chantings which are the manifest form outside.
Not only in Indian philosophy but also in all the spiritual paths have emerged with the practices that are, expressions of great saints who gave the expression to their inner experience. Those who must have been around such great personalities would have seen their masters and would have been seen the shades of god on the faces of their masters and thus they adapted the rituals very diligently! However, later persons would have only followed the practices and further they become mechanical rituals and the soul the anuraga is not adapted.
If we observe the details of pooja one can notice that pooja consists of treating god as human being and welcoming him in the best possible way and offering him the water to wash his or her feel and fanning him after making him sit comfortably before you start any thing further. In case of Lord Ganesh since he is a child we need to get the permission from his mother so that we can take him to our house and for that you worship her before and please her so that she will not deny your request when you ask her permission to take lord Ganesh with you. In addition, all the days the god is with you provide time-to-time food entertainment and all that so that he will stay with you very happily and finally send him back to his abode with all care and love. Thus in all the pooja methods god is personified. For some people it may look silly but nature is such that all our emotions we need personification to find expression. Simple example is the dreams! Dream are he expression of our motions like fear anxiety or anger deep in our minds. They find their vent in our dreams where we see some persons or some animals and we have expression of our emotions. When we wake up we realise what we have seen is not real but in the process we find expression for our emotions. Bhakti is conscious tool to manifest our good emotions of love, reverence etc. However, unless until we bring god to the human level and treat god, like another human being very intimately related to you, we will not give expression to these emotions. Then the whole practice becomes mechanical and there is no devotion behind our doing pooja.
Once I was giving a series of lectures on Upanishads in a temple in Los Angeles. The organisers wanted to introduce me to the pujari who is employed to do pooja in the temple. When my fried took me to him he was talking to some one holding the phone in his right hand to his ear discussing about the share market and with the other hand he was offering the flowers to the god image and with the same hand he took the holy water ‘teerthem’ and offered to me! My friend felt that he has not heard him earlier introducing me so he attempted to tell him that I am the speaker on Upanishads in the temple, for which he replied ‘yes I know sir’, and continued to talk on the phone. Where is the spirit of pooja in this? pooja is not just a worship where you follow some rituals or say some mantras - holy chants, ringing some bells and finally feel relieved at the end of all that exercise relieved in the sense that now you can establish your claim for his grace and put in front of him your demands list. It is a method, which can flow the fullest expression to your heartfelt emotions and you are fully absorbed in his consciousness so that you become one with the divinity. The earlier sages who have given expression to their experience in the form of pooja methodology will feel satisfied.
That is the reason Nerada expresses in the subsequent sutra that you become one with god, ‘tanmayah’ out of love. When you go to god out of fear or favour god is not important, you are important. God is some one who is attending to your demands. If he has to keep his position then he has to attend other wise in your eyes he looses his position as god! When you go to god out of love, which is enriched in the form of devotion and deep respect and intimacy, then god is important and you are unimportant! Your worth is only in dissolving in god!
In the beginning, you become self-conscious about others observing you when you are doing pooja. Therefore, all cultures provided methods, which people can follow in the group so that you can do the rituals. Soon it is important that you do the pooja in aloneness and not in the presence of others where you can freely express your feeling from your heart, you can cry you can dance or you can use any other form of expressing your heart. That is the reason, sage Narada said in another sutra ‘Bhaktinah Ekantino Mukhyah’. Bhakti practitioner needs to practice in aloneness with god so that he can find his true expression. Therefore, people go to the temples and we have group ritual practices in the society but at the same time, every house we have temples where people do their pooja alone! Many times people do not find that kind of devotion in the, so-called big temples, what they get in their simple home temple. True pooja is to surrender to god and no to claim the achievements and it should make you humble. The people how does pooja and becomes arrogant and looks down upon others who do not do pooja are not sincere in their pooja.
A little child is playing with her doll for hours and mother was happy that the child has not done mischief. The child is engaged in offering child in doll food and tea and all such things. The child also changes the diaper of the doll child raises the tone like mother does and gives instructions to the child.
Mother has seen the child is playing for hours. I the evening the mother now instructs the child @ now you played enough with the doll now keep it a side and wash your hands and legs and come for dinner. Child replies to the mother “please, mom, don’t shout I am coming in few minutes child will be sleeping any moment and you don’t raise your voice that will disturb the sleep of the child”. Mother in reply says, “There is nothing like child and after all it is a doll. Don’t worry”. Pained in her heart the child says to the child doll motherly words, “you please you don’t take it to your heart, mom shouts and that is her nature, you go to sleep now. I will come back soon and be by your side”. Child feels the presence of consciousness in the doll, which mother does not see. Same way the person who does pooja must see the consciousness being present and not the stone idol; then only pooja is real pooja or worship is real worship and not otherwise!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Dhyana or Meditation
Friday, November 13, 2009
Shiva Manasa Puja by Adi Shankaracharya
Rathnai Kalpitham asanam, Himajalai snanam cha divyambaram,
Naana rathna vibhooshitham mruga madha modhanvitham Chandanam,
Jathi champaka bilwa pathra rachitham, pushpam cha dupam Thada,
Deepam deva dayanithe pasupathe, hrud kalpyatham gruhyatham.
Souvarne nava rathna Ganda Rachithe, pathre Grutham Payasam,
Bakshyam pancha vidam Payo dadhiyutham, rambha phalam panakam,
Chaaka namayutham jalam ruchikaram, karpoora gandojwalam,
Thamboolam manasa maya virachitham Bhakthya prabho sweekuru
Chathram Chamarayoryugam vyajanagam, chaa darshakam nirmalam,
Veena bheri mrudanga kahala kala geetha chruthyam thada,
Sasthangam pranthi sthuthir bahu vidha, hyethat samastham maya,
Sankalpena samapitham thava vibho, poojam gruhana prabho.
Aathma thwam Girija Mathi sahacharaa, prana sharreram gruham,
Pooja theey vishayopa bhoga rachana, nidhra samadhi sthithi,
Sanchara padayo pradakshina vidhi, sthothrani sarva giraa,
Yadyath karma karomi thathad akhilam, shambho thavaradhanam.
Kara charana krutham vaak kayajam karmajam vaa,
Shravana nayanajam vaa maanasam vaa aparadham,
Vihithamavihitham vaa sarva methath Kshamaswa,
Jaya Jaya karunabdhe sri Mahadeva Shambho.
English Translation:
A diamond studded seat, cool water and divine robes,
adorned with many jewels, musk and sandalwood to anoint you.
Jasmine and Champaka flowers, bilva leaves and incense,
and flame. O compassionate one, Pashupati, please accept these that I have imagined.
In a golden bowl inlaid with jewels, sweet rice and ghee,
Five different types of foods made from water, milk, curd, fruits and vegetables,
My chanting of your name that is like the tasty drinking water, scented with camphor,
and betel leaf, created in my mind with devotion. Please accept them, Lord.
A canopy, a pair of yak’s tail whisks, a fan and a spotless mirror,
With music from veena and mrindangam, singing and dancing,
And prostrations, and many hymns I offer you
In my imagination. Lord please accept my offerings.
You are my Self. Parvati is my reason. Pranas your attendants, my body your home.
My senses are for your worship, my sleep is your Samadhi.
When I walk I circumambulate you, Everything I say is in your praise,
Whatever I do is your worship, O Lord.
(Sins) of my hands and feet, of the body, or of action,
of hearing, or of sight, or of the mind,
whether allowed or prohibited, please forgive them all.
Hail, Hail, O ocean of compassion, O Great Lord, Shambhu.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Interviews on Youtube: Indian Gods, Festivals, Calendar
Interviews on Youtube: What is Guru & Is Discipleship still alive
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Predictions As a Science -5-
What factors influence the accuracy of this science?
When the social system was well organized based on triguna concept that understands and merges the micro and macrocosm, it was not difficult for some one to predict what could be the physical, emotional, cognitive and behavioral characteristics of a child that is born in that particular system of organization. It is not only the position of the stars (time and space) that influence our life. The life events are highly influenced by our basic nature. We have seen how much it depends on the strong impressions from the previous life (samskaras), the type of personality (‘guna’), the social structure and a strong will or self effort. We should not forget or ignore the basic character of the society in those days. If astrology has to predict with accuracy about how your business would flourish in the next few years, it depends on all these four factors i.e. your basic guna , the social structure, self effort and the time space interaction.
Why astrology is not accepted as a science today?
Human values such as sharing and caring, happiness and contentment were valued and respected in the spiritually oriented, moral society in ancient India where the science of astrology developed. An astrologer was expected to live a very strict life of austerity, selflessness and contentment so that he could tune to the higher laws of nature. An astrologer is expected to be like a saint not having any attachment to material aspects and to have absolute self control. A small little attraction can wrongly influence the predictions totally. This was another important parameter that ensured the accuracy of this science. Today’s society is simply revolving around money, materialism and selfishness. Every thing else including morality has taken the lowest berth in every walk of life including the so called future tellers. This has naturally changed the definitions of life events such as success, achievement, virtues and values of life.
I feel that with the changing of times and the social structure these sciences of predictions such as astrology or numerology, palmistry, etc should have been revised. But unfortunately we have not updated these sciences and hence they seem to have lost their reliability. Today we have landed in a state wherein these predictions appear to be not at all reliable that has made us discard this out of the arena of verifiable sciences.
In addition as I explained earlier, things were very rational and logical and based on evidences to start with but later on, as there were no experts who could explain these things rationally, it became a blind faith and dogma. Once it became a blind faith several meaningless things have crept into our day to day living that has created more fear than knowledge. The so called petty astrologers with very limited knowledge have taken advantage of the innocence of the people. I remember while I was working as engineer one of my senior colleagues was so much stuck to his blind faith and overwhelmed with the fear of the unknown that he would never sign the papers in rahukala (not so suitable time of day according to the position of the stars) however important it was. So we had to attach an almanac and check the time of presenting the papers to him to get his signature. This was not based on knowledge but he was threatened by the so called pundits that if you do not follow this meticulously it will cause calamities in the family and loss in business etc.
How do we use this science today?
First of all we need to understand that these predictions are only indicative of the possibility of some unexpected events of life and be prepared to face the difficulties if any with a proper mind set. It is clear that the accuracy of these mathematical calculations is good for phenomena that have already happened in the past. For predictions about the future this science provides the probability of an event. We can use it for planning our life just like you would plan your day’s schedule based on weather predictions. Let us consider this knowledge as precautions and not get lost in the fear of the unknown.
Some people are not only eager to know what is going to happen in the future but they also depend on it as if it is every thing and become lazy and complacent. For example, if an astrologer tells me that I will become a prime minister then the story does not end there. I need to continue to work my sweat out to fight the elections and do all the work needed to keep the image in the society. But this prediction makes me confident that I stand a good chance through my stars that I can pass the test and get there.
Is it important to know what is going to happen in future? How to use these predictions about the unfavorable or difficult events of our life without fear? There is a nice incident from Ramayana which is worth recollecting in this context.
After pregnant Seeta’s departure to forest there was grave silence all over Ayodhya and every one was feeling the big void. In that grave silence one day Lakshmana was walking in the garden and saw Sumantha, the minister sitting alone under the banyan tree lost n his thoughts. Lakshmana greets but there was no response from Sumantha who was lost in his own world. Suddenly Lakshmana heard Sumantha talking to himself, “oh lord, wonderful is your leela, (play). How strong is vidhileela (play of destiny)! We know what is going to happen yet we can’t avoid even the most distressful events of life and just have to accept and go through them! ”. Lakshmana shakes Samantha out of his state of deeply lost in mood and asks “what are you saying and about whom are you talking?” Samantha was surprised to see Lakshmana and replied, “I am talking about your great father”. “What is it”? Lakshmana asks. Sumantha says, “Your father knew that the separation from his son would kill him but he could not stop Rama from going to the forest.”! Surprised Lakshmana asks “how did he know and how do you know about it?” Sumantha in reply narrated the event of what he had seen when he was young and used to be the charioteer for Dasaratha. King Dasharatha, when he was young used to enjoy the sport of shooting an arrow by just listening to the sound of an animal in the forest (shabdabhedi vidya).On one such occasions he mistook the sound of water being filled into a pot in the river to the sound of a deer drinking water in the river and the most unfortunate event happened. The only son of a blind sage who had gone to fetch water to quench the thirst of his blind parents became the victim. On request by the dying child the shattered king takes water to the thirsty parents of the boy. The moment the parents knew that the king whose duty is to protect people killed their innocent son out of carelessness they cursed King Dasharatha that he will also die of separation from his beloved son and gave up their lives at once . Lakshmana became emotional and said, ‘why did you not tell me this? If I had known I would have stopped Rama from going to the forest’. Sumantha smiled and said “Your father who was such a great king and Rama such a wonderful person who is so wise could not do anything but to accept the ways of destiny .do you think you can have stopped them?” “What! Rama also knew about it, how?” Lakshmana asked in surprise. Sumantha replied, “Rama is so great that there is nothing that he does not know. He can see the past and the future with clarity”. “Lakshmana asks, “then did he also know that mother Seetha would be sent to forest”. Sumantha replied, “Yes”. Lakshmana asks “then why did he not stop that?” Sumantha “My dear Lakshmana, I just do not know. All that I know is that they are so great and I am so small a person that I only feel blessed that I am born in the times that such great persons are around!” and added “if you have any more questions go and ask your brother . I am too small a person to answer your doubts”.
Lakshmana runs to his brother who was sitting peacefully and narrated all that he heard from Sumantha and asks, “Rama, you knew that mother Seetha has to go to forest and you did not stop her, why?” Rama replied, “Lakshmana, it is not important to know what is going to happen and try to stop it. I know that we cannot stop destiny which is so strong. What is important is to be able accept and maintain equanimity, peace and tranquility, when such major events of life happen. This is the goal of life .This is spiritual growth. On the other hand generally what happens is that if we come to know what is going to happen and if we also know that you cannot do any thing we tend to suffer helplessly”.
Therefore let us understand the message of Rama to Lakshmana. ‘Instead of trying to waste our time by trying to find out what is there in future let us do what is good now and keep our poise in tact so that what ever the future brings us we will be able to face it calmly’. Let us not put our efforts to hear predictions and be carried away by the excitement of good events and anxiety and nervousness about the possible failures .We know that life has ups and downs. Therefore let us have spiritual growth of peace and calmness in the first place in our lives and not waste our precious time on this earth in searching for future tellers to find out what is going to happen.
Let us get back to where we started. Are the examples of child prodigies aberrations of nature? Are these phenomena accidents of nature? Is there something predictable about it? Is there a science that understands these phenomena? How relevant are these sciences today?
I hope you can now see how this science of predictions has a strong basis of unity of existence managed by a universal intelligence. Any event that appears to be an unusual phenomenon is not an accident or aberration of nature. It follows a higher law. This higher law works very efficiently when everything that is created in nature functions in tune with these laws. The accuracy and outcome of these predictions by the science of astrology depends on the following five factors (i) the basic instincts that we carry from our previous birth (ii) the time space interaction at the time of our birth (iii)the personality ( satva, rajas or tamas guna that predominates) which depends on the family in which we are born (iv) the social structure that provides the congenial environment and (v)the most important factor , the hard work that we need to put in to make these come true . We call these unseen factors as the play of destiny or bad luck or good luck. But what we have understood is that this destiny is predictable and has a wonderful mathematical science called astrology that worked effectively in Ancient India.
We as a human race, ignorant of these higher laws, have no right to tamper this. Let us grow out of the limited vision of creation. Let us adore this wonderful great universal principle that binds us together in this web of life. Let us appreciate and be happy with everything that we possess. This is divinity. Let us not go on tampering with nature in search of happiness. This is true spirituality.
To read the previous parts of the same article please click on:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Saturday, October 17, 2009

I was initially thinking of writing about the Goddess Lakshmi, who is the Goddess for Deepavali or popularly known as Divali. However, the situation in Prashanti has taken a sudden turn with Aunty Lakshmi becoming serious and we had to rush for oxygen and some painkillers etc. Almost a year ago, similar situation was there and that time she has come out of such situation showing us her great will power. All of us were hoping this time also she would be able to come out of woods.
Finally, the inevitable happened on 14th October the auspicious day of Ekadashi according to the Indian calendar before the midday plunging Prashanti into the gloom!
After several discussions among the family members and the elders, it was decided very rightly that the final resting would be done in Prashanti only on the next day at 10.00am.
Every one in Prashanti wants to do what is that he or she can do which gives her the happiness and satisfaction. Just to give an example our bhajan group sat throughout the night singing the most favourite bhajans keertanas of thyagaraja filling the air with an unusual divinity. A team of youngsters went round the forest of Prashanti to get necessary bamboo and other wood and with their own hands prepared a nice platform to carry her. Electrician was also fully busy to light the place because already through out the evening and all through the night people were pouring to pay her their respects.
When, she was being taken round the path some one was commenting the flower garland around her is heavier than her body! Her physical body is so small that even the garland was heavier! Her food is as it is very little and especially on the last few days, she would only eat two or three spoons of beaten rice and nothing more! I always used to wonder those two spoons of food is running the whole living system and in addition she was also very alert and clear in her thinking. Two days before while she wanted to get up from sleeping position when i offered her to lift her up into upright position supporting at the back she said how much I am becoming burden to all; even i need to depend upon you for sitting up. Her weight on my hand was only few grams. But i wondered this lady through out life she has only been doing for the others and never asked anybody to do any ting for her.
The story goes back to several years – at least three generations. We don’t know nor we heard any thing about earlier generations, but what we heard is how unique was the life style of Venkatramaiah and his wife ‘Putta’ (every one used to call her by this name). Those days belonging to the middle class family they had a great combination of deep Indian culture and modern British knowledge of things like cleanliness, hygiene and knowledge of medicines and other things. They were complimentary to each other. He was generous to the people around and she was a great support to the women folk in their day to day problems. We heard stories like in the how disciplined the mother putta was and how generous father ventaramiah was! My sister who was staying in a house opposite to their house said that the best way of cooking of any food item, we have to learn it from Putta. The flower plants in their front garden were talk of that area. The ideas of healthy life they reflected even in the flower garden. Putta was so meticulous that their house was like a model house for every thing. They used to take every thing very seriously. As far as my knowledge goes the dedicated life of every member of this family can be traced to this divine couple Putta and Venkatramaiah
It is because of their Tapasya, god chose them to be the parents for three extraordinary children. The eldest is Ramarao engineer by training worked as lecturer in the local polytechnic college married to Lalitamma. Ramarao appeared very tough and hard from out side but people who knew them from near would know how soft and helping her was. As a lecturer, he would be ready to take all burdens of all his colleagues for any silly reason any time. He would make sure that all the students learn well and pass. On one occasion i went to his college with him twenty years after his retirement but I was surprised to see that all the staff members and the students touched his feet!
The youngest is another brilliant child Seshadri who received early training and education at home with an idea that he could learn better than in school. Finally, when he has to go to school they tested him to admit in which standard he proved that he became the youngest in the class, topping every year. Finally, when he finished his masters with distinction he gave his certificates to his father and left home to give his life in service to the nation in the beginning inspired by Gandhiji and later he joined RSS and rose to the top popularly known as HV Seshadri. He remained unmarried. His life is also a life dedication and learning. A prolific writer and king maker, respected by everyone in the field of politics. Once when Seshadri was being honoured by citizens of Karnataka in a big function in front of several thousands of people Ramarao, elder brother of Sesahdri went there to see the function. He was standing on the last row enjoying the whole scene and he did not claim to be in front. This is one small example of his simplicity.
Ramaraoji’s wife Lalithamma is another wonderful woman. I heard that God chooses to be born in the womb of most innocent. I do not know about the innocence of Mother Mary or Kausalya but the most innocent woman I have come across is Lalithamma. That is the reason their children are one better than the other is. Five children, brilliant academically but equally dedicated for the cause of humanity. Boys, Dr Nagendra and Dr Venkatram are engineers and girls Dr Nagarathna is a into general medicine and Yoga therapy, and her sisters, Dr Rama Phanniraja and Dr Uma Bannerjee and both into gynaecology are highly qualified doctors, what else you want your children to be. If you look at Lalithamma, you can say she only deserves such children. Lalithamma is living in Prashanti along with the family of Prashanti. Dr Nagendra is the Vice chancellor of the Yoga University and Dr Nagarathna is the dean of faculty of medicine and yoga division and medical director of VYASA.
After Ramarao the second one is daughter Lakshmi, very brilliant right from childhood. She wanted to become doctor to serve humanity. Her health in early childhood did not permit her to continue studies and she had to go to doctor’s office for the sake of her health, in the process, she herself became proficient in medical knowledge. What she wanted to become she accomplished in her brothers children. Remained unmarried, she felt that is a gift from god that she could spend all her life in the service activity and her dedication stands today as a Prashanti, which is the proof for her selfless work! Prashanti Kuteeram is her child and her spiritual sadhana.
Prashanti kuteeram stands for twin ideals one is its academic uniqueness and the other is the thrust and thirst for sadhana. If Dr Nagendra son of Lakshmi’s brother Ramarao is the person behind the academic achievement of Prashanti, the sadhana face of Prashanti is Lakshmi aunty. Until the last breath, her mind was on sadhana. The last dialogue I heard from her was about her concern for the students. She was enquiring for the feedback from the students whether the talk is sadhana oriented or not. The very next day, she is no more!
She had nothing to say about this is mine at the time of her death. Material possessions were almost nothing but her spiritual gain was unimaginable! One of the inmates of Prashanti has expressed this that her weight is reduced to that of a small child. Her life is an inspiration for many sadhakas. Swami visharadanandaji always used to say that one person whose every cell pours out spiritual sadhana is Lakshmi aunty.
Under the influence of Beloved Lakshmiji, Her brother Seshadriji, her brother Ramaraoji’s children Dr Nagendra Dr Nagarathna Dr Rama and Dr Uma and Dr Venkatram have happily given their services for the sake the spiritual culture and country! What can be greater achievement than this in ones life!
Some one asked her, ‘do you want to be liberated from this cycle of birth and death which is normally the concept of Indian thinking’, and she replied negative. Her wish is to come back again and again and will request god to give her more and more strength so that she can serve more and more people in her next life.
Therefore, this Deepavali festival is the offering of our prayers for her soul and our prayers to her to guide us from wherever she is and to inspire us from time to time
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Nature’s way of management
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Predictions as a Science -4-
Influence of celestial objects, time and space
We now need to understand another unknown factor that has its role in shaping of the individual’s development and growth. Indian society has always thought and planned everything in a very holistic way keeping in tune with the universe at large because of the expanded spiritual vision of the sages who were at the helm of affairs. We know that the nature is not ‘for man’ but we are a part of the nature. We survive on this planet not because of ‘me’ but because the nature has made life possible on this planet by providing the most congenial environment starting from the air, water and the right temperature. We live on this planet but we are not independent of our sun and moon or other planets and stars. We are in a web of life. Everything in this galaxy is influencing each other. Nothing can remain independent of the other. The living influences the non-living and vice versa. Scientists say that even the earth has life. Thus we cannot say that my mind and body can work totally independently. Our mind is the subtlest of the creation and has the maximum freedom as compared to all other things of this universe. Mind is the only stuff of this universe that has some freedom not to be bound by the laws that bind the universe. The freedom element that has crept into the human system during evolution has to make man recognize this great gift of nature and not tamper it. We are just realizing this over the past fifty years as to what havoc we have created in nature by thinking independent of nature and we are almost in a situation wherein we can completely destroy life on earth through global warming, depletion of ozone layer and creating a big imbalance in the eco system etc. This was simply because we forgot that we belong to the web and used the nature’s gift of ‘freedom’ as license to be self centered. Thus let us remember and realize that everything in this creation can influence each other. Mind being the most sensitive stuff of this universe it can be influenced to the maximum extent by the forces in nature. If you are sensitive and have the time to observe you can see that your mood varies with the rise and fall of the moon. It can influence your psychology. It is well known that psychological problems get aggravated on new moon and full moon days and hence the word ‘lunatic’ was coined.
Prediction as a science
The influence of the celestial beings on our life events and behaviour are predictable and this developed in India as a science called astrology. Careful observations of the effect of all these celestial objects such as sun, moon, planets and stars on major and minor events of life became the topic of this science. They could go on to realize that the influence was due to our relationship with these stars in time and space. Thus it developed into a highly systematized science that could predict things based on the time of birth of the individual soul. Thus an astrologer can mathematically predict the life events both the past and the future. Astrology can also predict the nature and tendencies of behaviour of an individual soul. This ancient knowledge is available as palm leaf writings and is being used by astrologers today. A very interesting research is being done at this university by one of our PhD students. Dr Ramesh is a veterinary scientist and one of his major jobs is to vaccinate live stock and maintain the breed healthy until it goes to the slaughter house for human consumption. He is a very good astrologer too. He selected sheep and goat from his stock that was to be vaccinated for the first time. He divided them randomly into two groups A and B. A group received vaccination at a favorable time of the day as per the predictions from astrology and the B group at an unfavorable time. The results showed that the A group had higher antibody titers in their blood that persisted for a long time as compared to the B group which had lower quantity of antibody that dropped faster over the weeks of follow up. These results were statistically highly significant. This fascinating observation gives us scientific evidence for the influence of nature on animal systems. if the immune system of the animals can be influenced to this extent by the position of the animal in this universe at any given moment of time ,please think as to how much our mind and behaviour can be influenced by these external forces which we tend ignore completely and tend to tamper the mother nature.
What is the basis of the science of predictions (astrology)?
A society which developed its calendar based on the position of stars, planets and the galaxies (Indian calendar is the most accurate calendar even today), a society that could easily predict the rain fall of a particular place and the intensity of sun at a particular spot at a particular time based on the position of earth in relation to planets and stars, could calculate and categorize people based on their relationship with stars and planets. This is the beauty of astrology or numerology. The method adapted is first to create a mathematical matrix (called Kundali) of your position in relation with the planetary positions based on the date and time of your birth and go on with further calculations. Once we took our mother’s kundali to a very simple astrologer. He did not even show any interest in talking to us or enquiring anything about us. He just sat down , looked at the kundali , took a piece of paper and drew his own matrix and did some mathematical calculations and within three minutes started saying many things about our mother’s life as to when she got married, how many children she has had, how many are surviving etc. What fascinated us the most was he continued and said ‘your mother has had a fracture of the bone in her right thigh region between such and such a date and this repeated on two occasions between two dates’. In fact we were highly impressed at how these calculations were accurate when we verified the dates on her X rays after we returned home. How could he do it? These calendars and astrological calculations are fascinating and hence has become a big business today in India.
The Indian society used these predictions systematically before venturing into any major events of life such as marriage or taking up a major business etc. This science would give accurate predictions whether the marriage would be successful and helpful for the society at large and for the individuals based on the characteristics revealed from the calculations. The calculations would even give the right time to get married or start a business. If you remember the life of Buddha the astrologers predicted at the time of birth that he will become a great monk. His father took all precautions not to expose him to the outside world and bring him up in a royal atmosphere. But the nature of Buddha was so strong that he went on to become one of the greatest monks who served many more people than what he could have done as a king. Astrology therefore is specialized mathematics. Just as one can learn music with training, one can also learn this speculative science.
We have many talented astrologers even today. I took a friend of mine who came to Bengaluru from Germany to an old lady who was not educated and was a very simple, least sophisticated woman who was very loving and caring. She took my friend’s hand and the first thing she said without any doubt was that he does not belong to the country he is coming from. He strongly denied and said that it was not true. But she looked at the hand once again and insisted that she was correct. Then he confessed that he belonged to Romania and had shifted to Germany only recently. Even I did not know about it till that day. Those days in early eighties not many of us knew that people could migrate from Romania, a communistic country to Germany, a free country and I cannot imagine that that this old lady who only knows a few streets around her house can think of Romania or Germany. She could not have guessed it by looking at the person’s facial features because even me, as an Indian, having traveled so many times cannot make out which country in Europe one belongs to by looking at their features., And this lady could derive it so clearly by her intuitive knowledge of the science of palmistry! I simply wondered at her ability.
- to be continued...
To read the other parts of the same article please click on:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5: